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For Parents

Academy Resources

Attendance, Drop Off, & Pick Up Procedures

Students need to be in school to progress towards their goals both academic and personal. Attendance every school day is mandatory. Medical, dental, and other appointments should not be scheduled during school hours unless absolutely unavoidable.  The parent or guardian is responsible for calling the school office at 707.933.2560 before 8:00am any time a student is absent. 

All absences MUST be cleared within 72 hours.

A student absence may be cleared by:

  1. Having a parent or guardian email the school to report the full-day absence within 72 hours.
  2. Upon return, the student may bring a note to school signed by the parent/guardian, clearing the absence.

All absence documentation must include the following information:

  • Student Name
  • Date(s) of absence
  • Reason for absence
  • Parent signature (electronic accepted with phone number for confirmation)

Off-Campus Pass is available for excused appointments only.

Students leaving campus for any reason throughout the normal school day must check out in advance through the School Office.  A student may check out during the day if:

  • Have a signed note by the parent stating the reason for leaving and time required to check out.
    • Note must have a parent signature AND phone number to verify the reason.
    • Should the student leave for medical reasons (i.e., doctor, dentist, etc.), the note must have the doctor's name.
  • A parent phones the School Office and checks the student out.

Students leaving campus for any reason must check out at the School Office.

Students Arriving Late for School

  • All students must sign in (signature and arrival time) at the School Office before going to class.
  • If a full class or classes are missed, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school within 72 hours of an absence either by note or email to the School Office to clear the absence.